WordPress Uptime: Why is it Important and What Can You Do?

A 24/7 running website is absolutely important if you want to build and retain your customer database. Website uptime is a crucial factor that affects your brand image and your online business. In case your website is down when your users try to access it, your overall credibility will be affected, and you may even lose your users. If you choose reputed WordPress developers in Sydney, this probably wouldn’t be an issue, but you should check the uptime of your website and make sure that it is acceptable.

What if you fail to maintain the acceptable uptime?

You’ll lose potential clients, which we have already mentioned, but there is more to it.

Poor Rankings

If your website goes down several times daily, search engines wouldn’t trust the site anymore, which would affect your rankings.

User Experience

Downtime negatively affects user experience. For starters, your consumers will lose trust in your brand and you, and eventually, they may turn to competition as well.

How can you track your website’s uptime?

Okay, so you now know that it is important to keep your website up and running, but how do you do this? WordPress offers a number of plug-ins that can help you out with this. Talk to a reputed WordPress developer in Sydney and they’ll guide you more about them.


Jetpack is probably one of the easiest ways through which you can check the uptime of your website. Plus, it is free to use so that makes it all the better.

Ask your chosen WordPress developer Sydney to install the plug-in for you. Once done, visit the Jetpack Settings page and enable Call Monitor; now you will get a notification whenever your website suffers a downtime. Even if you don’t always check emails, do enable email notifications on your phone so that you can keep track of your website’s performance.

By the way, Jetpack has a premium version as well, which is worth the price. But if you don’t want to spend, the free version should suffice.


Pingdom is already used by millions of users – the service keeps you updated about your website’s uptime and notifies you every time it goes down. You can either choose to be alerted through SMS or email. Pingdom also generates a detailed report that gives you a better idea of your website’s performance.

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