Setting up Your WordPress

Setting up Your WordPress

Interested in launching an online store? Awesome idea; it is a sure way to generate more sales. SEO is the key to drive your store of course, but some of it is also on the platform you choose. A WordPress based e-commerce store is generally a good idea because it is easy to setup and convenient to manage. Talk to a WordPress developer in Sydney and they would do it for you.

Consider a couple of things when getting your online store developed.

Server Space

Server space is important when you are getting a website up. You can choose between shared and dedicated servers. The selection depends on a number of factors, the biggest two of which are potential growth and costs. If you want to keep your store independent and modest, a shared server would do, not to forget that it is more affordable. However, if down the road, you have plans to expand your store and turn it into a major sales funnel, then you should consider dedicated servers.

The Design

Design is a really important factor when you set up your online store. Obviously, it should reflect your brand image, but there is more to it. The design should be clean and efficient. Navigation should be easy without the customers having to search for things or options on the page. Everything should be right out front.

Discuss your requirements in detail with your chosen WordPress developer in Sydney, and they’ll come up with something that tells your story yet ensures all the other essentialities.

The Checkout Process

The checkout is a vital feature of an online store so keep it as simple as possible. Rather than moving from here to there, you should ensure your customers are able to place their orders through a simple process, restricted to just a page. Long checkout processes are sure to drive them away.


A fully functional online store isn’t enough unless your customers know about it. Make sure you have all the content optimised. Plus, you should regularly promote the store, particularly on social media. So, get the word out for your customers to ‘get in’. You should not do this only once, you must do it on a regular basis.

So, get in touch with reputed WordPress developers in Sydney and launch your e-store now.

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